Yay! It's done. After a month-ish of inactivity, Aradiabot's route is done!

The newest update has a bit of a teaser for Feferiroute, which is next. 38D

We've not been totally inactive, though! Bonus Route 3 is kicking off development nicely, ft. a new spriteset and an original comm'd music track! (I'm sure you can find it in the files if you looked hard enough, but be warned of temp sprites. Lol.) Also don't forget other features...

Yeah! PQR moment. Did you know we've got YouTube playthroughs of every route? They typically take a little to come out after the route, but you can check out the playlist or subscribe to see when the videos go up. I recently started a little let's read of Friendsim 2 with friends, so hopefully we'll do more of that soon!

- Etch

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